Audible Stories

Audible Stories block

Audible Stories for Everyone During Home Schooling

A free service from Audible

Audible is the world’s largest producer and provider of audio books and spoken-word entertainment. With the Audible app you can listen to more than 400,000 audio books and podcasts anywhere, any time.

Audible has now made available Audible Stories, letting anyone, anywhere access over 200 audio books without charge for the duration of school closures. These Audible stories are a large collection of children's books and classic titles.

There’s no log-in or registration required and it’s not a free trial. All the titles in the collection are available to stream straight from the Web and there’s no limit to how much you can listen to.

All stories are free to stream to your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet. Explore the collection, select a title and start listening.

Audible Stories for education or entertainment

Audible is an Amazon company.