Advent Program Booklet
The Broken Bay Advent Program booklet is now available.
As we embark together on the liturgical season of Advent, a time of preparation, anticipation, and hope at the coming birth of the child Jesus - we are reminded of the immense joy that awaits us.
This season of the Church offers a time to pray, to listen to and converse with God, who loved us so much that He sent His only Son into the world so that we may come to know Him and the depth of His love for us.
This first Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of a new liturgical year, a year of particular significance with the commencement of the Jubilee 2025, Pilgrims of Hope. In proclaiming this year, Pope Francis reminds us that we are all pilgrims on this earth, united in our mission to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
As a people of hope, we welcome the Holy Family into our homes with joy, and wonder, at the humility of an all-powerful God, coming to us in a form that is vulnerable, innocent, and absent of pomp and grandeur. May the humility of Christ, born in the stable, help to orient us on the road to holiness through our expressions of prayer, acts of service to our family, friends, and communities, and renew in us a desire to be Pilgrims of Hope in the world.
The Advent Program booklet is an invitation to reflect prayerfully on the Sunday gospel readings in Advent. It can be used individually or with a group. For each of the four weeks of Advent, the booklet includes a reading of the gospel text, a reflection on the text, and a personal story, along with reflection suggestions.
The Advent Program booklet is available in our churches and at the link below.
Advent Program Booklet (PDF 1.1MB)