Parish Events

Station clock

Safeguarding stamp

Parish Safeguarding Update

17 & 20 August 2019: Broken Bay Safeguarding presentation sessions in Chatswood

All Nations stamp

Celebrating Disciples of All Nations

17 August 2019: Celebrate our multicultural community in the Diocese of Broken Bay

Stewardship stamp

Stewardship Sunday

7 July 2019: Recognising our gifts from God

Take Care stamp

Take Care of Yourself

2 July 2019: One of a series of Twilight Talks for youth

SVDP logo stamp

St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal

8-9 June 2019: Winter clothes and funds to help the poor

Christian Unity stamp

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

4 June 2019: Christians come together to pray for unity

Serra stamp

Serra Vocations Mass and Information Evening

30 May 2019: Come along for information on Broken Bay activity with vocations

The Crypt stamp

Education Mission Impossible

23 May 2019: Scholarship at the Cathedral: Education and Formation in a Pluralistic Society

Messy family stamp

Messy Family Project in Broken Bay

22 May 2019: See Mike and Alicia Hernon at Terrigal and Pennant Hills

Sisters of Life stamp

Sisters of Life Events

17-21 May 2019: The University of Notre Dame is hosting four Sisters of Life in Australia

3oth Anniversary stamp

30th Anniversary of Ordination

12 May 2019: Fr Boguslaw and Fr Chris are celebrating their 30th anniversary of ordination to the Priesthood

St Dymphna stamp

St Dymphna Healing Mass

8 May 2019: Evening of hope and healing for those suffering from physical, emotional or mental illness

Katrina Zeno stamp

Fiat Women's Reflection Morning

1 May 2019: Katrina Zeno speaks on Raising Children in a Hypersexualised Culture

Good Friday stamp

Stations of the Cross on Good Friday

24 March 2019: Youth from Year 7 and up are invited to participate in our Good Friday Stations of the Cross presentation

Confirmation program

Confirmation Program is Now Underway

20 March 2019: Enrolments are now underway, action is needed before the parent information evening