Parish Events

Station clock

Bicentenary of Catholic Education stamp

Catholic Education

24 May 2021: National Mass for the Bicentenary of Catholic Education in Australia on the Solemnity of Our Lady Help of Christians at Pymble

Men Alive stamp

Men Alive Weekend

1-2 May 2021: Men Alive weekend at Pymble Parish

Catholicism Series stamp

Catholicism Series

16 and 30 March 2021: Join two screening events with selected episodes from The Catholicism Series by Bishop Robert Barron

Consultation for Women stamp

Consultation for Women

27 March 2021: National online opportunity for Catholic women to share their thoughts on the Church in Australia

Engaging Seekers stamp

Engaging Seekers

3 March 2021: An online event to explore and discuss reaching out to people

Rite of Election 2021 stamp

Rite of Election

21 February 2021: Invitation to join in with our Catechumens for their Rite of Election celebration

Catholic Education 200 stamp

Catholic Education 200

18 February 2021: Celebrating 200 years of Catholic education in Australia

Fundraising Concert stamp

Fundraising Concert

11 December 2020: A fundraising concert of spiritual and festive music, a mix of pop, classical and jazz

Advent Spirituality Morning stamp

Spirituality Morning

27 November 2020: A special online spirituality event for members of the Parish CCD team

Chris Padgett stamp

Praisefest November

13 November 2020: Broken Bay Youth online Praisefest with Chris Padgett

Ministry of Lector stamp

Ministry of Lector

7 November 2020: Broken Bay celebration of the installation to the Ministry of Lector

Seminary stamp

Seminary Collection 2020

24-25 October 2020: An opportunity to support Salvatorian seminaries in our region and in Poland

CYBB Praise Fest stamp

Praise Fest

18 September 2020: Broken Bay Youth online Praise Fest with Fr Rob Galea

Welcome and Meet stamp

Welcome and Meet

13 September 2020: Please join in to welcome and meet with our Bishop in Pymble

Pymble open day stamp

Pymble Primary Open

1 August 2020: Open Day at the Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Pymble