Serra Vocations

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Serra Vocations Mass and Dinner

Thursday, 27 February 2025
Sacred Heart Church
2 Richard Porter Way Pymble

Serrans are Catholic lay women and men who respond to the call to promote and support vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life in the Catholic Church. In 1935, four Catholic lay people established the first Serra club in Seattle. Serra is named after Father ("Fray") Junípero Serra, noted Spanish Franciscan missionary, who played a leading part in early missionary work in Mexico and California between 1749 and 1784. Fr Junipero was beatified in 1988 and canonised in September 2015. His Feast Day is celebrated on 1 July.

Serrans accept as their responsibility the promotion of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. They possess a deep appreciation of the ministerial priesthood as being essential to the Church. Serrans have been generous in offering their support to those who hear the call to serve Christ in the priesthood.
St John Paul II 1985

The evening will begin with Mass followed by a light meal with our guest and a short meeting. Mass will be celebrated by Emeritus Bishop David Walker. Bishop Walker was ordained bishop of Broken Bay on 3 September 1996 succeeding the inaugural Broken Bay bishop, Bishop Patrick Murphy. His retirement was effective from 13 November 2013, his seventy-fifth birthday. Terry Scanlan will speak about the origins, objectives, activities, and plans for Serra working to encourage Serra membership. Following the meeting, Bishop Walker will speak on the topic of the Holy Father's 3rd Encyclical “Fratelli Tutti” of 4 October 2020. The Encyclical aims to promote a universal aspiration toward fraternity and social friendship.

If you would like to know more about vocation activities in Broken Bay and how you may be able to play a part in supporting our existing vocations and encouraging new vocations please join us.

Everyone is welcome. Please "come and see".

Please remember to pray every day for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, the consecrated life, ecclesial women, all seminarians and novices, and for the perseverance of existing vocations.

For further information or to attend, please contact Terry Scanlan at 0438 887 295 or via the Parish office.

The Serran Magazine from Serra International