Pymble Men's Fellowship
7pm – 8:30pm
Wednesday, 2 April 2025
Wednesdays, fortnightly within the month
The Men's Fellowship is the MenALIVE Ministry in the Pymble parish. Our group meets fortnightly on Wednesdays and welcomes all Parish men over the age of 18 years to our gatherings.
MenALIVE is a national men's ministry responding to a need in the hearts and lives of men, we bring men together, to renew their faith and to encourage them to become an active force of renewal.
Our evenings are accompanied by prayer and include daily scripture in group form with discussion on our observations from the scripture and reflection on how we can apply the Word in our own lives. Evenings typically follow two alternating formats, with social events occurring less frequently.
We sponsor various social events, Men’s Mass, and projects supporting our local Parish community.
Please contact Chris Greedy (04 0138 4785) or the Parish Office for further details.
Pymble Parish Men's Fellowship
Pymble Parish Men Alive Team
Meeting Cycle
Evenings are scheduled for the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday of the month with alternating formats.
- A 1st Wednesday of the month is an evening of prayer followed by a light supper.
- A 3rd Wednesday of the month evening starts with coffee at Jack & Co Pymble followed by SOAP with a discussion topic at Sacred Heart Pymble.
- Less frequently, a 5th Wednesday of the month is a social event. This could perhaps be a Men's Mass and BBQ, dinner, movie, or similar social event.
SOAP Method
S.O.A.P. or Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer, begins with a broad perspective and narrows to a personal and intimate communication with the Lord. The individual steps are outlined below.
- Scripture – Read the passage once and write down the verse or verses that struck you while you were reading.
- Observation – As you read the passage once more, ask yourself what you observed about the scripture that struck you? Meditate over the key verse and write this down.
- Application – Read the passage the third time and contemplate how can you apply the observation so that it affects your life today.
- Prayer – You may decide to read the passage yet again and write down a prayer to God based on what you have just learned and ask God to help you to apply apply this in your life.
Annual Meeting Schedule
The following table presents the Men's Group meeting schedule for the remainder of the year following the alternating formats.
Date |
Event |
2 April |
Prayer and Supper |
16 April |
Topic Reflection |
30 April |
Social Event |
7 May |
Prayer and Supper |
21 May |
Topic Reflection |
4 June |
Prayer and Supper |
18 June |
Topic Reflection |
2 July |
Prayer and Supper |
16 July |
Topic Reflection |
30 July |
Social Event |
6 August |
Prayer and Supper |
20 August |
Topic Reflection |
3 September |
Prayer and Supper |
17 September |
Topic Reflection |
1 October |
Prayer and Supper |
15 October |
Topic Reflection |
29 October |
Social Event |
5 November |
Prayer and Supper |
19 November |
Topic Reflection |
3 December |
End of Year with Chatswood |
17 December |
End of Year Dinner |