Holy Orders

The Sacrament of Holy Orders refers to a unique office of pastoral leadership in the Church. The mission of the ordained priest is to be a sign, to 'make present' the leadership which Christ gives to the Church. Through the Holy Spirit, the priest is ordained as one consecrated to God as a sharer in Christ's mission to serve, teach and govern the people of God. This is more than a managerial role; this kind of leadership involves a 'holy ordering' of the many gifts of the Spirit in the Church community, and to be a unifying focal point for all the gifts. Further, in the midst of the church community, he is a permanent and irrevocable sign of the saving presence of Jesus Christ. Like Christ, the priest is a servant-leader. He represents Christ and the Church.

At Ku-ring-gai Chase Catholic Parish we are currently blessed with the presence of 2 International Priests;

  • Rev Dr Biju Jose OSH (Parish Administrator) and
  • Fr Joy Thomas OSH (Assistant Priest).
  • We are also blessed with the presence of other local priests who assist from time to time according to the needs of the Parish and Diocese.

Holy Orders the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his apostles, continues to be exercised in the Church.
There are three orders of the sacrament namely: 
Episcopate (Bishop) - The Bishop embodies the fullness of the sacrament and, as 'chief shepherd', has overall responsibility for the faith and unity of the Diocese.  The current and 4th Bishop of Broken Bay is The Most Rev Anthony Randazzo.
Presbyterate (Priest) and
Diaconate (Deacon) - Priests and Deacons extend the ministry of the Bishop throughout the Diocese. In the Diocese of Broken Bay, there are a number of married Deacons.

The Sacrament of Holy Orders presents a powerful and challenging vocation for eligible men. Parishioners are urged to identify and invite men with the appropriate gifts to consider this vocation, for the sake of our Diocese. Our Diocese currently has a number of young men training to be priests.
If you would like to find out more please make contact with Fr Paul Durkin.

Fr Sam French is Diocesan Vocations Director.
Phone: 9489 3221
Email: sam.french@bbcatholic.org.au

Ms Michelle Chahine is Diocesan Vocations Officer
Phone: 9484 1427
Email: michelle.chahine@bbcatholic.org.au

Alternatively, you could approach one of the priests of the parish or explore the Catholic Vocations Ministry Australia website:          Click Here