Ku-Ring-Gai Chase Catholic Parish Children’s Sacramental Programme
Ku-Ring-Gai Chase Catholic Parish is in the Diocese of Broken Bay. In this Diocese, Confirmation and First Reconciliation are necessary steps before receiving First Holy Communion.
The Children’s Sacramental Programme is a three-stage course that runs from July to June every year.
Enrolments for Confirmation classes are taken in July. These families are then invited to enrol their children for Reconciliation and Communion classes.
The Confirmation enrolments include a compulsory parent meeting, held in July, where the Sacrament is discussed and the roles of parents, children, parish and school are explained.
All the Sacraments have four compulsory child/parent preparation classes.
It is expected that children and their families will attend weekly Mass during the preparation programme.
Typically, across the two churches, 70-100 children prepare for each Sacrament.
Parents help make the Sacramental Programme an enjoyable experience through their involvement and timely provision of necessary information by the specified date.
What's required for enrolment?
When enrolling your child in the Children’s Sacramental Programme for the first time, i.e. when enrolling your child for the first sacrament in the programme which is Confirmation, please include:
- Completed enrolment form
- Photocopy of the baptismal certificate (if not baptised in Ku-ring-gai Chase Catholic Parish)
- $50 to cover the cost of books, resources, medals, certificates etc. Payment can be made online via the link below, please take your printed receipt or receipt number to the enrolment day.
All documentation must be fully completed by the advertised due date. Enrolment is completed with attendance at the compulsory parent meeting.
If, for a good reason, you cannot complete your enrolment by the due date and need to make alternative arrangements, please contact the Sacramental Coordinator for your Church PRIOR to the specified date.
Letter from Fr Biju together with
2024 Confirmation Programme dates and Enrolment form:
Click here
Forms are also available at the back of both Churches around the time of enrolment.
Enrolment for subsequent sacraments
When enrolling your child in the Children’s Sacramental Programme for subsequent sacraments, please include:
- Completed enrolment form
- The payment amount indicated on the enrolment form - to cover the cost of books, resources, medals, certificates etc. An enrolment fee of $50 is applied to both the Reconciliation and Eucharist programmes.
Click the image below to make an online credit card payment for your enrolment fees.
![BPoint Image 2](/images/ajax-loader.gif)