
Please Note: 
The 2025 programme commencing February 2025 can be accessed using the link below.

Baptism is a Sacrament, the first sacrament of Christian Initiation, the symbolic word and gesture through which we become sons and daughters of God and are embraced into the family of the Church.  In baptism, Christ makes us a sharer in the very mystery by which he gave new life to the world, the mystery of his death and resurrection.

Christ manifests his presence in baptism, giving his love and his life to the child who is washed with water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Catholic families are encouraged to baptise their children soon after birth, however, sometimes people are baptised later, or even as adults.

It is the Christian Parents...

who make a home in which Christ is present and in which their child will come to know and love Jesus as a brother. The parents and their child form the centre of the Christian community, which celebrates baptism. The congregation builds up around them and widens out from them.

Parents are asked if they clearly understand that they are:

“accepting the responsibility of training your child in the practice of the faith
and of bringing up your child to keep God’s commandments as Christ taught us,
by loving God and our neighbour?”

The Godparents...

have a special function to perform in the liturgy of baptism because they are closely connected with the child’s family, and because they represent the Church, which loves, helps, and cares for the baptised child as the child of God. The parents invite the Godparents to accept the responsibility of their child’s faith development, especially if something should happen to them or if they neglect their responsibility. This is why the Church insists that the Godparent(s) be Catholic.

The Celebration of Baptism 

The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in Ku-ring-gai Chase Catholic Parish at both churches, St Bernard's Berowra Heights and St Patrick's Asquith. The setting of baptism within the parish church, and the presence of members of the parish community, brings out an important feature of baptism. Each child is baptised in the faith of the Church and becomes a member of the priestly people of God.

Briefly, Baptism's are held each Sunday of the month at 11.30am (with the exception of a 5th Sunday of the month). 

Godparents are to be practising their faith so as to be a good support for parents and a good role model for the child and One Godparent must be a fully initiated practicing Catholic over the age of sixteen - other Godparents must be over the age of sixteen and practicing in their own Christian denomination.

In our parish, the Sacrament of Baptism is arranged in the following way:

  • Firstly, we invite you to open the linked document below (KCCP 2023 Baptism Programme Dates) which will show you all the options available to you for Baptism in KCCP.
  • Please contact the Parish Office on 9456 2450 to discuss your date choices and to make the necessary bookings of:

Informal Interview with Father / Welcome & Presentation Mass / Sacrament of Baptism.

  • You will now need to come to the Parish Office to collect the 'Baptism Kit', provide or bring along a copy of the child/ren's  Birth Certificate and pay the administration fee.  (Payment by credit card is preferred). 
  • Having had time to read the 'Kit' you return to the office for your Interview with Father, where he will discuss with you what you've read and the Churches expectations regarding Baptism. This is an informal interview and very family friendly, so please bring along the child/ren.  We ask that you also return your completed paperwork when you attend your interview with Father.
  • Your child is then 'Welcomed and Presented' to the greater parish community at a Presentation Mass.
  • The big event is next...your child's Baptism at KCCP.  

(It is possible for a good pastoral reason to have the baptism at another time but only after arrangement with the Parish Priest).

Not parishioners of Ku-ring-gai Chase Catholic Parish?
You are most welcome to have your child Baptised at KCCP.

All you need to do is one extra step:  
Please contact your Parish Priest and obtain a letter of permission for the baptism
to take place at KCCP.
The letter of permission from your PP should be attached to the Application for Baptism form.

Contact Information

Email:  Phone: 9456 2450