Welcome Back

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 21:28)


Belonging is one of the most basic of human needs. We all need to belong somewhere.

Deep in our heart, we know that we belong to God - because he speaks to us in the secret place in our heart.

God calls us to belong to His people, and that call can keep nagging at us.

St Augustine said:  “Our Hearts are restless, O Lord until they rest in you”

The invitation is to find God who can give your heart rest, by being one of His people.


There are lots of reasons why people stop going to church, why people stop practising their faith.  It can be simply getting out of the habit.  It can be because they have been deeply hurt by someone in the church - a priest for example.  It can be because they have found some part of the Church’s teaching impossible or unreasonable.

Sometimes people leave the church and never give it another thought - for others, it is not like that.

The church is certainly not perfect, but we believe that belonging to the church helps us to search for what really matters in life.  We invite you to continue that search with us.

In the Gospels, Jesus always had time for those who felt they were ‘outsiders’.

The parables of the lost sheep and the prodigal son remind us of how much Jesus wanted to welcome back those who felt they were lost.

Catholics believe that Jesus is still waiting to welcome back into his church anyone who feels they are called to belong, even if they have been away a long time.

If you would like to come back to the practice of your faith, you will be very welcome.

You may like to talk to one of the priests in our Parish, if so, please ring the Pastoral Centre on 9456 2450 to make an appointment.

You are warmly invited to join us for Mass on the weekend or during the week.