

Safeguarding in our Parish means....

Safeguarding is for the protection of all - because everyone has the right to feel safe.
At KCCP we strive to be pro-active in the protection of all parishioners, volunteers, clergy but most especially we are vigilant towards the protection of the children and vulnerable adults of our community.

We are committed to doing everything we can to keep you safe including ...
implementing measures, principles and practices promoting transparency in all ministries.

Safeguarding is another way of saying,
we are looking out for you,
we care about you,
we will go the distance to protect you




If you have a concern for the safety and wellbeing of a child or young person or vulnerable adult, tell someone who can help.

These people in our Parish can help:

Name: Margaret Cooper, Parish Secretary
Number: 9456 2450 (Mon-Fri, 9am to 3.30pm)

Name: Michelle Chahine,
Number: 0424 191449

Or contact the Office for Safeguarding (Chancery) on 8379 1605 or email

To read the Diocesan Safeguarding Commitment Statement click here

For further Diocesan Safeguarding information visit