Congratulations on your engagement!
Now begins the exciting and occasionally challenging time of preparation, not just for your wedding day, but for your married life.
It is important to coordinate all activities for your wedding. Couples who wish to be married in this parish community are asked to contact the Parish Office to arrange to talk to a Priest or Deacon who will then meet with you to discuss your marriage preparation, preparation of the wedding liturgy, and the required paperwork. This should be done as soon as possible after being engaged.
The use of the church cannot be presumed on the day you may have in mind. Please do not book a reception venue without first contacting the parish office to see if the church is available. Weddings should be booked at least 6 months in advance to give adequate time for preparation.
You will be given details of a marriage preparation course for the two of you to attend. Marriage preparation programs are conducted by:
- CatholicCare (Partners for Life, Foccus) 02 9488 2400
- Catholic Engaged Encounter
- Life Marriage & Family Office, Diocese of Parramatta (02) 8838 3400
Brochures on marriage preparation, marriage enrichment and other relationship education are available from the Parish Office.
After you complete this course, you will then meet with the Priest or Deacon.
During these meetings, there will be time to discuss your reflections about your preparation course, sign some of the necessary paperwork, and prepare the wedding ceremony.
Making these appointments will be your responsibility.
Who can I Marry?
The Catholic Church recognises a valid marriage as a permanent, life-long commitment. If you have been previously married and are now divorced, it is necessary to go through a process called annulment. This process assesses whether or not your previous marriage was valid. If the annulment is granted you are free to marry in the Catholic Church. Speak to your Priest if you have been married previously. You can marry any person, Catholic, non-Catholic or non-Christian in the Catholic Church. However, you will be required to promise that you will continue to practice the faith and bring up any children as Catholics.
Government Paperwork
When meeting with the Priest or Deacon, please provide original birth certificates or passports and current driver’s licence. (If these are not in English they must be officially translated.)
Government papers must be completed no more than 6 months and no less than 1 month and 1 day prior to the wedding.
The celebrant of the marriage will assist you with any other documentation that needs to be completed.
Church Paperwork
New Baptism Certificate “for Marriage purposes” to be requested from the Parish of Baptism dated within 6 months of the wedding and also Confirmation Certificate are necessary for bride and groom.
These can be obtained by writing to the Parish in which you were baptised. Simply state that it is needed for marriage.
The Ceremony
Weddings are held on Saturdays between 11am and 3pm. (Other days by appointment)
The wedding ceremony in the Catholic Church may be celebrated with or without Mass, and usually goes for 35-45 minutes.
You will be invited by the Priest or Deacon to choose readings and prayers, and to organise members of your family and friends to read these.
A deposit of $50 is required to confirm your booking (refundable if your marriage does not go ahead). We ask you to give a $300 contribution towards the cost of maintaining the church, this includes the $50 deposit. Payable in cash, cheque or via Bpoint via our website at least 2 weeks before your wedding day.
You are welcome to arrange your own flowers. However, please notify the parish office at least 1 month in advance if you want to arrange your own. Please note flower arrangements will need to stay in the church after the ceremony for the weekend Masses.
Church services are greatly enhanced by the use of music, even more so when the congregation is invited to sing.
Religious music and classical music is the most appropriate for a wedding.
Live music is always preferable to recorded music, although we do have an AV system available.
You are welcome to use any musicians you wish, and we can offer you a list of musicians if necessary.
The use of rice, glitter or confetti is prohibited. Please inform your guests not to use any of these.
For more information, or to arrange for a wedding, please contact the Parish Office on 8379 1700 or email: