For information on any of the following Ministries, please contact the Parish Office.
Altar Servers (Senior and Junior)
The parish welcomes men, women, boys and girls to serve at the Altar during Masses. Servers must be fully initiated (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist Sacraments).
Senior Servers prepare the Altar before Mass, serve Mass and provide support for junior servers. Junior Servers assist at the Altar. Servers who are 18 years or older must obtain a Working with Children Check.
People wishing to join this Ministry are provided with appropriate training through the Parish.
Altar Carers
Each week those involved ensure the linen used during Mass is washed and ironed, candles are replaced when necessary and the Sanctuary and Church are appropriate for worship.
Livestreaming Ministers
The ministry volunteers undergo an initial training to operate the livestreaming system and are placed on a roster. They are also encouraged to read the scriptures for the day before coming to Mass to prepare themselves spiritually and to confirm the Mass title for inputting into the system. The volunteers have a few follow-up meetings/trainings online and communicate through a Facebook messenger chat group and by email.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The primary role of the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is to assist with the distribution of Communion at Mass. We need sufficient ministers to allow for the distribution under both species at all weekend Masses. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion must be 16 years or older and fully initiated (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist Sacraments).
This Ministry can also include taking Communion to people in Hornsby Hospital, local nursing homes or private homes.
If you or someone you know, either through sickness or age, is unable to come to Mass either permanently or for a prolonged period of time, please inform the Parish Office and we will arrange for Holy Communion to be brought each weekend.
People wishing to join this Ministry are provided with appropriate training through the Parish.
Ministers of the Word
Ministers of the Word proclaim the Word of God and enhance and enliven the Liturgy of the Word.
Ongoing formation and support is available primarily through an excellent publication “Break Open the Word” which provides training materials as well as a week-by-week commentary on the readings and how they should be delivered.
Three monthly rosters are prepared and readers are required to read approximately every 6-8 weeks.
People wishing to join this Ministry are provided with appropriate training through the Parish.
Audio Visual (AV) Operators
Volunteers are on a roster to operate the PowerPoint slides to show the hymn and prayer slides at all Masses.
People wishing to join this Ministry are provided with appropriate training through the Parish.
1st Friday of each month in the OLOR Cathedral after 9.30am Mass until 10pm.
1st Friday Adoration at Queen of Peace Church after 8.45am Mass for half an hour followed by Benediction.
Rosters exists for those who wish to arrange and donate flowers for Queen of Peace and the Cathedral.