Our Mission as a Parish is, through the gift of Baptism, to come into a deeper and fuller relationship with Christ our Saviour.
Vision Statement
After consultation with community members, the following has been discerned as our vision.
We want to be a parish that:
Supports the Bishop’s six priorities, detailed below and set out in his December 2020 Pastoral letter, which provides leadership around initiatives and activities that relate to:
- The person of Jesus Christ, and his message of Good News
- Personal encounter – one with Christ
- Communion of life – one in Christ
- The Holy Spirit leads us in the way of discipleship
- Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit to fulfill our mission
- The life of the Church comes from the Holy Spirit
- Building together a culture of vocation for all the baptised
- Vocation – listening to the voice of God
- Every member of the Body of Christ has a vocation
- A united message reflecting the voice of the bishop at the service of his people
- Jesus prayed for unity – that they may all be one
- Unity calls for a radical conversion to the Gospel
- Authentic Catholic education for the flourishing of human and faith development
- Inspiring hearts and minds to know Christ
- Evangelisation, Catechesis, and Mission
- Justice and mercy place the poor at the heart of the Church
- Who are the poor in our community?
- To hunger and thirst for righteousness.