
For information on any of the following Groups or Ministries, please contact the Parish Office.

Social Justice Group

From time to time, the parish participates in issues of Social Justice. Such participation is advertised in the Weekly Parish Bulletin.

St Vincent de Paul Society

The Society is named after St Vincent de Paul, the patron of Christian Charity, who lived between 1581-1660 and whose life was devoted to helping the under-privileged.
Members of the Society consists of a group of men and women dedicated to service of the poor or those in any need. People who are being assisted by conference members are often provided with furniture, clothing and household goods free of charge.

  • The Waitara Conference meets every Monday, 4-5pm in the Fr Nulty Room.
  • The Normanhurst Conference meets every second Wednesday, 7.30pm-8.30pm in QOP Hall.
Vinnies Van Night Patrol

Volunteers help with the Food Van which feeds the homeless on Sunday evening (4th & 5th Sunday of the month).

Care Group
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion volunteer their time to visit the sick and housebound.

Volunteer bus drivers transport elderly to the Cathedral Sunday 9.30am Mass.

Anointing of the Sick Mass
This Mass is for senior parishioners and those who are unwell. It is celebrated at both churches followed by morning tea.

Queen of Peace Church, First Tuesday of each month at 8:45am.
Cathedral, Third Thursday of every month at 9.30am

Maintenance Group
From time to time, special working bees are organised to prepare the church grounds for particular events, for example, Christmas and Easter.

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