Mass Times

Gathering Together in Worship


Saturday and Sunday 9:30am Mass and Daily 7am Mass (Mon-Fri) live streamed on YouTube.

Subscribe to the Hornsby Cathedral Parish YouTube account

One hour Advent Reflection  leading up to Christmas. Four consecutive weeks starting Wednesday
27 November 6-7pm
Venue: QOP Church, 18 Stuart Avenue, Normanhurst.
Please  contact the parish office if you wish to attend.


OLOR Cathedral                                                                   
Tuesday 24th December                                                      
5pm Vigil (Children's Mass)                                                    
8.30pm Vigil                                                                            
12am Midnight Mass (Carols from 11.30pm)

Wednesday 25th December                                                
8am Mass                                                                                
9.30am Mass                                                                           
11am Mass                                                                               
No evening Mass

Tuesday 24th December
5.30pm Vigil in English (Family Mass - Carols from 5pm)
7.30pm Vigil in Korean

Wednesday 25th December
9am Mass in English
11am Mass in Korean
No evening Mass


Mass Schedule

Weekday Mass Schedule

OLOR Cathedral:
Mon to Fri 7:00am (live streamed)
Tues-Sat 9:30am (Saturday 9:30am Mass live streamed)

Queen of Peace Church:
Tues to Sat 8:45am

Korean Masses at QOP Church:
Tue & Thu   7:30pm
Weds & Fri   10am

Weekend Mass Schedule

OLOR Cathedral:
Saturday 5pm Vigil
Sunday 8am, 9:30am (live-streamed), 11am, 6pm

Filipino Mass 3:30pm
(Every 2nd Sunday of each month.)

Queen of Peace Church:
Saturday 5:30pm Vigil
Sunday 9am

Korean Masses at QOP Church:
Sat    7:30pm (Vigil)
Sun 11:00am &   5:00pm

First Friday Adoration

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10am 10pm first Friday of each month at the Cathedral. All are welcome to join with the Lord in silent, meditative and reflective prayer.

Holy Hour
OLOR Cathedral - Every Saturday 8:15am-9:15am. 

Sacrament of Penance / Reconciliation
Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral Saturdays from 8:20am to 9:15am
Queen of Peace Church Saturdays 4:30pm-5:15pm

Praying the Rosary
Monday-Friday after each 7am Mass and 9.30am Mass, in OLOR Cathedral, Waitara.
- Men's Rosary- OLOR Cathedral, Waitara. Every first Saturday of the month. Fellowship from 8am, Rosary at 8.30am.

Private Prayer Our Cathedral Chapel is open for private prayer from 8am -8pm.

If a Priest is needed in a matter of emergency, after hours or on the weekend, please call 0458 351 843.