Our Parish Alpha 2023
Alpha introduces people to the first proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ, otherwise known as the Kerygma: ‘Jesus Christ loves you; he gave his life to save you, and now he is living at your side to enlighten, strengthen and free you.’ (EG, 164)
Alpha invites parishioners to respond to the good news through a decision to follow Jesus and bring the freshness and joy of their encounter with Christ into the life of the parish. Parishes around the world have seen significant growth in numbers and a new enthusiasm for mission.
Please join us this year beginning Tuesday 21 February 2023 at 6:30 pm, Queen of Peace Church Hall, by registering with the link
Save the dates Feb 21, 28, March 7,14,21,28, April 4,11,18, May 2,9, (Retreat Day TBC)