On Monday, May 13th, we commemorate Our Lady of Fátima, marking the 1917 Marian apparitions witnessed by three shepherd children - Lúcia dos Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto - at the Cova da Iria in Fátima, Portugal. Alongside Lourdes, Fátima stands out as one of the most recognisable and significant apparition sites. During last year's World Youth Day celebration held in Lisbon, Portugal, the group from Broken Bay was fortunate to visit Fatima, including our own Deacon Hien. Here are his reflections.
“Since childhood, the Vietnamese Marian hymn has been etched in my memory, a familiar tune among our folk Christians, dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima:
Năm xưa trên cây sồi, làng Fatima xa xôi
Có Đức Mẹ Chúa Trời, hiện ra uy linh sáng chói
Mẹ nhắn nhủ người đời: hãy mau ăn năn đền tội
Hãy tôn sùng mẫu tâm, hãy năng lần hạt Mân Côi
Once upon a time in a remote village called Fatima,
The Mother of God appeared to three children in radiant light.
She delivered the Lord's message: repent,
dedicate to the Heart of Mother, and devote to the Rosary.
The message and the tune of this song have lingered in my mind ever since.
Last year, I had the privilege of joining the World Youth Day pilgrimage to Fatima with youth from the Diocese of Broken Bay. After a week in Lisbon for WYD, we retreated to Fatima to reflect on our pilgrimage's profound experiences.
Arriving at Fatima, we found lodging within walking distance of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, towering at 65 meters. This basilica marks one of the spots where Our Lady appeared to the shepherd children amid massive oak trees. A new basilica could now accommodate up to 8000 pilgrims.
During the 3-day stay in Fatima, we spent time in reflection and sharing our pilgrimage experiences. One of the highlights was our faithful small group reflection. I found this meaningful as it helped me to unpack the experience from the pilgrimage, also reinforcing and enriching our spiritual insights by listening to one another’s experiences.
On the second day, we embarked on a station of the cross led by Bishop Anthony, tracing the shepherds' footsteps and reflecting on the message of Fatima. The ‘Via Dolorosa,’ winding through olive fields, led us to the hometown of the three shepherds, where their modest dwelling remains intact. Witnessing their simplicity, poverty, and openness to Our Blessed Mother's message touched me deeply.
In the evening, we walked to the Basilica to join the Candle Procession. I must add that it was on the 12th of the month, the eve of the 13th, where thousands of pilgrims flooded to Fatima from many parts of the country and the world for the pilgrimage. I was amazed witnessing the sea of thousands of pilgrims holding candles in their hands, devoutly praying the rosaries, and spending time in Adoration near the Chapel of Apparitions, precisely the spot where Our Blessed Mother appeared to the three children and asked them to spread the message of her desire to build a chapel.
At Fatima, amidst shared moments with fellow pilgrims, I found solace in solitary activities like walking the rosary and journaling. Before the Shrine, I recited the Angelus, sang the Salve Regina, singing the Marian hymn in my mother tongue, and offered prayers for my loved ones and all who've touched my life. There at Fatima, I utter “Totus tuus,” a Latin phrase meaning ‘totally yours,’ which was Saint Pope John Paul II's motto, taken from St Louis de Monfort’s True Devotion to Mary. At Fatimar, I surrendered my journey to Our Blessed Mother’s care.
In this month of May, the month we dedicate ourselves to Our Blessed Mother, I offer our parish to Our Lady of Fatima, and I earnestly encourage our parishioners to come to Her for intercession to Our Lord.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.”