Ministries in Focus: Online Mass Livestreaming

infocus live streaming

In the past few years, many churches have started to implement video streaming of their services. But have you ever wondered who is behind the Online Mass Livestreaming Ministry at HornsbyCathedral (HCP), or why it exists?

In a time marked by technological advancements and global connectivity, HCP is on a journey to extend the grace of Mass beyond physical boundaries in our Parish, and beyond. The Livestreaming Ministry works to ensure that every member of the community, regardless of health, mobility, or transportation constraints, receives spiritual nourishment.

Like many churches around the world, livestreaming was originally set up to support parishioners during the pandemic, providing spiritual comfort. As the Ministry grew, it became apparent that this not only helped parishioners within the local community but also individuals further afield. From Parishioners who have moved or might be travelling, to people interested in the Cathedral and the wider Diocese, Livestreaming helps everyone connect with HCP through daily scripture, homilies, and prayers delivered via online platforms.

As digital content is becoming more popular everywhere, it is no surprise that churches are using video content to expand their reach. Around 30% of people who watch a livestream will attend in person the following year. That means that live streaming is an evangelisation tool and one of the best ways for HCP to expand our congregation.

Central to the success of the Ministry are the dedicated volunteers, led by Ros and Raj Rajasingam, within the parish. Despite their busy schedules, they selflessly offer their time and expertise. And their dedication means that the spiritual needs of the community are met with love and care.

While live-streaming services have greatly benefited our parishioners, it is not a substitute for attending HCP services. Something amazing happens when people gather together for worship and share the sacraments. High-quality livestreaming is a great opportunity to attract parishioners (new and returning), however, wherever possible if people are physically able, we invite and encourage people to attend the cathedral.

A key aspect of the Livestreaming Ministry is coordination and collaboration, to facilitate this the team harnesses the power of modern communication tools and technologies. A flexible Monthly Roster accommodates schedules, allowing volunteers to contribute meaningfully at their convenience. Additionally, training opportunities are provided to all volunteers, ensuring that they are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge.

If you’re a parishioner aged 18 and over and would like to find out more about the Livestreaming Ministry, we’d love to hear from you. Interested individuals can reach out via email to, taking the initial step towards spreading faith and support to the parish.