Ministries in Focus: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

holy communtion

In every celebration of the Eucharist, generally Bishops, priests and deacons - distribute Holy Communion in virtue of their office as ordinary ministers.

The Ministry of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) is a beacon of service, reaching out to those whose circumstances keep them tethered to their homes, ensuring they remain connected to the spiritual nourishment of the Eucharist.

At the heart of this ministry lies a profound mission: to extend the arms of the Church to those who cannot physically attend the celebration of the Eucharist and Holy Communion. Whether due to illness, age, or other limitations, some individuals in our communities find themselves confined to their homes or hospitals, unable to partake in the communal celebration of the Eucharist. The core objective of the EMHC is to ensure that these individuals are not deprived of the spiritual sustenance embodied in the Eucharist. It's about bringing Jesus to their doorstep, affirming His presence in their lives, and letting them know that they are not forgotten.

Role of Extraordinary Ministers: Ambassadors of Christ's Love

The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve as ambassadors of Christ's love and compassion. They step forward when there's a shortage of priests and deacons during Mass or when the homebound need to be reached. Through solemn prayer and heartfelt dedication, these ministers take on the sacred duty of delivering the HOLY COMMUNION to those unable to participate in the parish Eucharistic celebration. Their hands become vessels of grace, carrying the tangible presence of Christ to the doorsteps of the faithful.

What Does This Ministry Do?
The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion deliver communion to individuals in their homes and retirement homes, mostly on Sundays and occasionally on weekdays. This ministry is not just about the act of delivering Holy Communion; it's about fostering a sense of community and belonging. Volunteers, inspired by the teachings of Christ, visit each individual in the community who is unable to attend Mass. They offer not only Holy Communion but also companionship, prayers, and a listening ear. In doing so, they embody Christ's commandment to love one another and to care for the most vulnerable among us.

Who Makes Up the Ministry?
The Ministry of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion comprises dedicated volunteers from within the Parish community. These individuals, driven by their faith and a desire to serve, offer their time and energy to ensure that no member of the parish is left behind. Led by Fr. Thomas Alackakunnel and coordinated by Cheri Mangrai, this ministry thrives on the collective effort and commitment of its members.

Getting Involved: Extending the Invitation
If you feel called to join this noble ministry of service, the doors are open wide. Whether you're a seasoned parishioner or new to the community, all are welcome to participate. Simply reach out to the Parish Office via email at or phone at 8379 1700 to express your interest.

While a Working with Children Clearance Certificate is a prerequisite, what matters most is a willing heart, a reverence for the Holy Eucharist, and a commitment to giving of oneself for the good of others.

In a world often marked by division and disconnection, the Ministry of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion stands as a testament to the enduring power of community and compassion. Through their simple yet profound acts of service, these ministers bring the presence of Jesus to individuals, ensuring that no soul is left untethered from the love and grace of God.