Parish Bulletins

This Week in the Bulletin:

Bulletin 28.07.2024 

Willing & Generous
The First Reading and the Gospel of today speak about the reality of hunger and the food that satisfies. In both instances people were hungry and in need of food. In the Gospel episode, the crowd is large and far from any town. By human standards they are in an impossible situation for they have no way to obtain food. But what is impossible for humans is possible for the God of compassion and love. Jesus challenges the disciples to come up with a solution: “Where can we buy some bread for these people to eat?” Andrew's half-hearted initiative and the boy's generosity are blessed by Jesus with remarkable results. The small boy's 'five barley loaves and two fish' are enough to feed well over 5,000 people, with plenty left over!
God works wonders when we are willing to cooperate with him. Complaining and murmuring about the enormity of a problem won't solve it. But if we are willing and generous enough to place our small contribution at the Lord's feet, remarkable results can come. St Paul exhorts us today to 
lead a life worthy of the vocation to which we are called, and to support one another in love, with complete selflessness, gentleness and patience. Humility, gentleness, patience in all situations and loving support for each other are hallmarks of the Christian life.
God’s Word Fr Joe Eruppakkatt SSP

For more of the bulletin click on the following links: 

Bulletin 28 July 2024 
Bulletin 21 July 2024 
Bulletin 14 July 2024
Bulletin 7 July 2024
Bulletin 30 June 2024 
Bulletin 23 June 2024 
Bulletin 16 June 2024
Bulletin 9 June 2024 
Bulletin 2 June 2024 
Bulletin 26 May 2024 
Bulletin 19 May 2024
Bulletin 12 May 2024
Bulletin 5 May 2024
Bulletin 28 April 2024
Bulletin 21 April 2024
Bulletin 14 April 2024
Bulletin 7 April 2024
Bulletin 31 March 2024 
Bulletin 24 March 2024 
Bulletin 17 March 2024 
Bulletin 10 March 2024 
Bulletin 3 March 2024
Bulletin 25 February 2024 
Bulletin 18 February 2024
Bulletin 11 February 2024
Bulletin 4 February 2024
Bulletin 28 January 2024 
Bulletin 21 January 2024 
Bulletin 14 January 2024
Bulletin 7 January 2024
Bulletin 24 December 2023
Bulletin 17 December 2023
Bulletin 10 December 2023
Bulletin 3 December 2023
Bulletin 26 November 2023 
Bulletin 19 November 2023
Bulletin 12 November 2023
Bulletin 5 November 2023
Bulletin 29 October 2023
Bulletin 22 October 2023 
Bulletin 15 October 2023 
Bulletin 8 October 2023
Bulletin 1 October 2023
Bulletin 24 September 2023 
Bulletin 17 September 2023
Bulletin 10 September 2023
Bulletin 3 September 2023
Bulletin 27 August 2023
Bulletin 20 August 2023
Bulletin 13 August 2023
Bulletin 6 August 2023
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Bulletin 23 July 2023
Bulletin 16 July 2023
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Bulletin 2 July 2023
Bulletin 25 June 2023
Bulletin 18 June 2023
Bulletin 11 June 2023
Bulletin 4 June 2023
Bulletin 28 May 2023
Bulletin 21 May 2023
Bulletin 14 May 2023