Children Welcome!!
Here at The Entrance Parish we endeavour to create a child friendly atmosphere for all families to enjoy. For we were all children once weren't we? Some a little longer ago than others! We take Jesus' instructions very seriously "Let the little children come to me."
The children are welcome to participate in the Mass by bringing the Gifts to the altar in the Offertory Procession. We are also in the process of reintroducing Children's Liturgy of the Word during the Mass, where the little ones can receive instruction on the Gospel at their level of understanding.
KidsClub is a monthly favourite with the children, where they make friends, enjoy activities and learn more about Jesus. They have lots of fun and snacks are included of course! This is followed by the 5pm Vigil Mass where all are invited to come along.
Baptisms are held on most Sundays and are a beautiful celebration of your baby or child’s introduction to Christian life.
The Sacraments of Confirmation, Reconciliation and First Eucharist are held when a child reaches Year 3 and 4, and are celebrated in the Church after parish-based instruction for each. Parishioners are always excited for the children on these occasions and are happy to become their prayer partners.
Whether attending our local Catholic Schools or one of the several Public Schools in our parish, the children have an opportunity for faith education through their Teachers or Special Religious Educators (Catechists).
Safeguarding is a priority of the parish and diocese, with all involved undergoing mandatory training, checks and verifications.
It is the understanding of all that the children are our future and a treasure to be held dearly, so please feel very welcome and valued as special members of our community.