All are welcome to join us:
Mondays – Thursdays 8:35am
Fridays 11:25am
Saturdays 9:30am
Rosary means a crown of roses, a spiritual bouquet given to the Blessed Mother. Each mystery of the Rosary is prayed on designated days of the week, led by a parishioner.
Wednesdays 9:30am
A prayer group dedicated to praying for Priests.
Liturgy of the Hours
Saturdays 8:40am
Ancient Prayer of the Church, of the whole people of God - also known as the Divine Office, marking the hours of each day, and sanctifying the day with prayer.
Christian Meditation Group
Fridays 10:30am Reynolds Room
Following the Benedictine style of meditation -"Listening with the ear of one's heart."
Secular Franciscans
2nd Friday of the month 1pm Reynolds Room
A warm invitation is extended to everyone to come along and enjoy fellowship and prayer in the spirit of St Francis of Assisi.