Nursing Homes in Our Parish
We have 5 Nursing Homes / Aged Care Facilities in our parish:
Reynolds Court Retirement Village and Residential Aged Care, Bias Avenue Bateau Bay
Bupa Aged Care, 17 Bias Avenue Bateau Bay
Killarney Court Community Care, corner of Cornish Avenue & Wyong Road Killarney Vale
Opal Killarney Vale Care Community, 1 Daniel Close Killarney Vale
Nareen Gardens, 5 Yakalla Street Bateau Bay
Mass is held at Reynolds Court twice per week:
Wednesdays 10am
Sundays 11am
All parishioners are welcome.
Masses are held monthly:
1st Tuesday 11am Killarney Court
2nd Tuesday 10am Opal Killarney Vale
3rd Tuesday 11am Nareen Gardens
4th Tuesday 11am Bupa
Urgent Anointings are attended by our Priests upon request.
Pastoral Care of the Sick in Hospital
In this first week of July, I would like to take the opportunity to encourage everyone in the parishes around the Central Coast to pray for and remember those who require hospital services this winter.
As the Catholic Pastoral Care Practitioner in Wyong Public Hospital, I ask for your assistance in helping to identify those parishioners who may benefit from a pastoral visit. We have Holy Communion available on Sundays as well as most weekdays, and seek names of parishioners who might appreciate this or other pastoral care services, alongside their medical care.
If you become aware of parishioners attending hospital, please pass on my details so that timely pastoral care can be arranged: Br John Verhoeven, 0427 255 804
N.B. Gosford Hospital has similar services.