Pastoral Ministries

Share your faith

Share Your Catholic Faith

Are you wanting to share and develop your Catholic faith?

Over the past few months, we have had several enquiries from people wishing to explore the Catholic faith with the intention of becoming a Catholic Christian. Due to these enquiries, we would like to introduce the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program as part of our parish  ministries that we offer. 

What’s it all about? Developing a relationship takes time. Through the RCIA process people are invited to enter into a journey of faith in Jesus Christ, a journey of discovery as they practice living life as a Catholic Christian. The journey of becoming a Catholic Christian is one made in the  company of the whole parish community along with other enquirers, catechists and sponsors.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process that is located in the heart of the parish community. The parish community is where everyone learns how:

To pray and worship
To listen to God’s Word in the Scriptures
To build and take part in community life
To go out in service of others.

Thus, every member of the parish is ‘part of the overall RCIA team’, apprenticing, mentoring, guiding and giving example and witness to those who seek to live the Catholic Christian way of life in relationship with Jesus. Everyone in the parish has qualities, gifts and skills which they bring to 
the life and growth of the community and are thus of service to those seeking initiation. 

We are seeking expressions of interest from parishioners to be part of the RCIA team in the following areas:
Prayer Partners: To pray for all those participating in RCIA program and give their ongoing encouragement to them. 
Hospitality: Have a welcoming and inclusive attitude, enjoy being with, introducing and socialising with people. Responsible for simple suppers, etc for gatherings.
Catechists: Are to be actively living out their faith and one who has an understanding of adult learning. Be able to support the faith development of the enquirers, lessons should be appropriate, taught with sensitivity for the level of understanding and follow the provided curriculum.
Sponsors: Are active participants in the mission and sacraments of the Church and be prepared to befriend and support a catechumen or candidate to accompany them on their faith journey. 

If you would like to know more about these positions, please contact the parish office on 4332 2216 or speak to Fr Brian or Colleen Smith.