Acolytes distribute Holy Communion to the sick and housebound, assist with Mass and provide much needed help to the Parish.
Pope Paul lV describes the role: "The acolyte is appointed in order to aid the deacon and to minister to the priest. It is his duty therefore to attend to the service of the altar and to assist the deacon and the priest in liturgical celebrations, especially in the celebration of Mass. He may also, to the extent needed, take care of instructing other faithful who on a temporary basis are appointed to assist the priest or deacon in liturgical celebrations by carrying the missal, cross, candles, etc., or by performing other such duties. He will perform these functions more worthily if he participates in the holy Eucharist with increasingly fervent devotion, receives nourishment from it, and deepens his knowledge about it."
This ministry is always given to men studying to become priests or deacons, but can also be appointed to ordinary lay men who have no intention of receiving ordination.
Our Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist take Holy Communion to the homes of parishioners who are unable to come to Mass and assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Masses.
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal describes the role: The Priest may be assisted in the distribution of Communion by other Priests who happen to be present. If such Priests are not present and there is a large number of communicants, the Priest may call upon extraordinary ministers to assist him, i.e., duly instituted acolytes or even other faithful who have been duly deputed for this purpose. In case of necessity, the Priest may depute suitable faithful for this single occasion. (GIRM #162)
The choir in its current form has been operating for over 10 years and is made up several groups providing music for our Sunday Masses. We have three organists, a general choir, a men's choir, and two cantors/guitarists who sing/play on a roster basis. The choirs are more than happy to welcome newcomers to their ranks. Choir practise is held on Tuesdays at 5:30pm.