Gift Centre
The Parish of The Entrance operates a Gift Centre, in the foyer of the Church.
We stock a great variety of devotional products. If we don't have it we will endeavour to find it for you.
On display we have:
Children’s books, rosary bracelets, bibles and general gifts.
Baptismal candles, cards and general gifts.
First Holy Communion gifts including candles, photo albums, prayer books, children’s bibles and cards.
Confirmation candles, statues, bibles, books of the Saints, lapel pins, pens and medals. We cater for all Sacramental Programmes.
Wedding personalised candle sets, rosary beads, wedding bibles, anniversary gifts.
And for all Occasions items such as Sunday and weekday missals, large print bibles and New Testaments, statues, plaques, framed prints, devotional leaflets, booklets, Mass intention and sympathy cards, cards for every need, angels, diaries, photo albums, car plaques, key rings, bookmarks and much more.
Saturdays before and after 5pm Mass
Sundays before and after 9:30am Mass
Office hours by appointment
Phone: 02 4332 2216