Ministers of Communion

Placing the body and blood of Christ in the hands of the people, the Body of Christ.

communion_handIf you are Christ's body, it is your own mystery which is placed on the Lord's table; it is your own mystery which you receive. Augustine.

Ministers will have:

  • a love of the Eucharist and feel called to serve others with simplicity and reverence,
  • will feel comfortable, after training, in offering the host and chalices to communicants,
  • are willing to come early to Mass and put their name down to minister,
  • are happy to express this service by greeting people before the start of Mass and participate in hospitality after Mass,
  • are responsible in assisting to purify the vessels after Mass

Misters of Communion to the Sick taking communion to those who cannot be with us at Sunday Mass?.the sick and frail in their homes or in Care Facilities.

Minister will have:

  • a great tenderness for those who are unable to come to Mass
  • will learn how to respectfully help our sick and frail,
  • will be able to visit on a regular basis.