Whatever stage you're at, we welcome your enquiry! Read on to learn more about what's involved in becoming a Catholic.
What is the Catholic Church?
The Church is a worldwide family of believers following the ways and teachings of Jesus. We share a unique way of life based on beliefs, values and patterns of worship. Becoming Catholic is a little like getting married - it's a life-changing, serious commitment....a commitment to a community and a way of life.
What is RCIA?
RCIA, or the "Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults", is the process of adult initiation into the Catholic Church. It usually takes 6-12 months, and the process is tailored to suit each individual person and how God might be leading. There are four stages involved in RCIA.
The RCIA involves four stages of formation. The transition from one stage to another is marked by a public ritual.
Stage 1: Enquiry
The initial stage of the RCIA - the period of getting to know the parish, and us getting to know you - is a time of questions and exploration. Our parishioners will respond to your queries and share something about their own experience of being Catholic. This might be done formally, through enquiry sessions, or informally through casual conversation. There is no formal commitment at this stage. It's just a time of exploration as you decide whether or not you would like to be baptised into the Catholic Church. If you decide you do want to be baptised, you enter the second stage: the Catechumenate.
Stage 2: Catechumenate
During this stage, you'll become more familiar with the Catholic Church's teachings, practices and people. You are no longer called an "enquirer", but a catechumen, or "one who echoes the Gospel" (from ancient Greek). This stage involves a weekly commitment to attend part of the Sunday Mass and to participate in guided reflections on Scripture and Church teaching. After this stage, you progress to the stage of Enlightenment.
Stage 3: Enlightenment
This stage is a brief period of final preparation before Baptism. It usually coincides with Lent, the six-week period of repentence and renewal. During this stage, you are known as the "elect" and will continue with weekly reflections and mark the journey with ritual steps.
Stage 4: Baptism
All these steps culminate in the celebration of Baptism at Easter. Easter is the Church's greatest event of the year, celebrating Christ's victory over sin and the gift of our new life in the Spirit. While Easter is the preferred time for Baptisms, it is possible for you to be baptised at other times of the year. You are now known as a "neophyte", or "new nature" in ancient Greek.
Stage 4: Mystagogy
After you have been baptised, you will continue to meet for two-to-three weeks to reflect on the experience of baptism and your journey in the faith. This stage is called Mystagogy, or "reflection on the mysteries" in Greek. It focuses particularly on the call to mission.
Support on the Journey
While you prepare for baptism, you are given a sponsor. This is a member of the parish who walks with you on your journey as an encourager and guide, with friends, relatives, catechists and priests also supporting you on the way. The whole parish community participates though prayer, worship and various rituals. Becoming a Catholic is a communal experience! As the Baptism draws closer, you will also be asked to nominate a Godparent.
Sacraments of Initiation
Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are the Sacraments of Initiation. Baptism is the first step of initiation into the Church, while Confirmation and Eucharist complete initiation and are usually received in the same ceremony as Baptism. Confirmation is a special empowerment by the Holy Spirit. The Eucharist is our sacred meal at which we receive the Body and Blood of Christ under the form of bread and wine. After Baptism, you will also be introduced to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This is a sacred ritual by which we continually renew our baptismal commitment and experience God's forgiveness.
What if I'm already baptised?
If you're already a baptised Christian, we will adapt the process of RCIA. The Catholic Church recognises the baptism of other Christian Churches and we do not re-baptise. Instead, you will be received into full communion with the Catholic Church. This involves a solemn profession of faith in the presence of the congregation, before you receive Confirmation and Eucharist. This is most often celebrated at the Easter Vigil.
What's the next step?
If you're thinking about becoming Catholic or would like to know more, please make contact with our R.C.I.A. Coordinator or via the Parish office (office@nhcatholic.org.au or on (02) 9949 4455). Our Coordinator will meet with you to learn more about your story, answer your questions and to discuss the next step.