"..unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." (John 12:24)
Harvest play on the 1st Sunday of each month at the St Kieran's 9:30am Mass.
Today, the group comprises Kevin Mascarenhas, Nuala Pearson, Vanessa Johnston and Erica Griffiths.
The group has seen many members come and go over its 20 odd years (some odder than others)!
Kevin and Nuala, the longest-serving 'Harvesters', have notched up over 20 harmonious years together, Vanessa, about 15, while Erica, prior to joining Harvest about 5 years ago, was herself, no stranger to music group membership.
We are also members of the Cantor Club, fulfilling a desire to sing and be part of a large, friendly, choral group!
For more information please email: Kevin.mascarenhas@hotmail.com
Pictured are: Kevin and Erica (seated), with Nuala, Vanessa, Murray and Adrian (rear, left to right)