Ministries, Groups and Volunteers


There are so many ways in which we can experience Christ's love and share it with our parish and wider community. We strive to reach out to all, and to demonstrate our faith and love in action by supporting others with their spiritual, physical and social needs. Below, you will find a list of groups in our parish, some of which may interest you or your family. Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested in joining any of these ministries or groups.

Are you new to the parish, or wanting to be involved? We know that when you move to a new area it can take time to settle in. We want to warmly welcome you into the North Harbour community. Please don't hesitate to call us, send us an email, or drop into the Parish Office at St Kieran's Church and introduce yourself to our friendly parish team. 

Parish Pastoral Council
This group of parishioners is elected to help the parish further its mission as a Christian community. This group of nominated women and men come together every month and set the agenda to align with the parish's current and future needs. Contact: Parish Office

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers:
Assist at Sunday Masses on a rostered basis. Contact: Parish Office

Children's Liturgy:
A parallel form of the Liturgy of the Word, which is offered to children at the 9:00AM and 9:30AM Sunday Masses. Contact: Ursula Halloway

Eucharistic Ministers:
Assist with distributing the Eucharist at Sunday and weekday Masses, and taking Communion to the sick and housebound. Contact: Parish Office

Music Ministry:
Provides music for Sunday Mass and, when appropriate, the Sacramental Program, and assists with resources and training in choosing appropriate liturgical music and using resources such as AV projection, microphones, and music licenses. Contact: Marianne Deveza

Proclaim the Liturgy of the Word during weekend Masses. Contact: Parish Office

Piety Shop:
Stocks a variety of religious items and gifts and is located near the Parish Office. Payments can be made at the Parish Office or through the Tap&Go machines.

Faith Formation

Assist with faith education classes in government schools. Contact: Ursula Halloway

Prayer Leadership Group:
Established according to the program of Divine Renovation. The group prays daily for the parish and meets to explore, plan and implement prayer practices within our community. Contact: Parish Office

Adult Sacramental Program – Rite of Initiation for Adults (RCIA):
A faith journey for adults considering joining our Catholic community (in small groups). Contact: Ursula Halloway

A faith journey for children and their families joining our Catholic community. Contact: Ursula Halloway

Sacramental Programs:
The preparation for reception of the Sacraments is a Parish family-centred, school-supported program. For more information on the individual sacraments, see the relevant pages on this website. Contact: Ursula Halloway

Social Groups

Youth Mass:
Mass for youth held monthly during the school term, and followed by dinner and fellowship. Contact: Ursula Halloway

Weekly faith formation sessions for young people. Contact: Parish Office

Beyond Our Parish

St Vincent De Paul Society:
Helping those in need in the local community through the Manly Vale and Balgowlah Conferences. Contact: Parish Office

GIFT (Giving in Faith Together):
A parish outreach program supporting local community organisations. Contact: Parish Office