Contributions to Charities

Propagation of The Faith

Through the offering of Catholics worldwide, the Propagation of the Faith provides ongoing support for the pastoral and evangelizing programs of the Catholic Church in Africa, Asia, the islands of the Pacific and remote regions of Latin America. This includes aid for the education and support of seminarians, religious novices and lay catechists; for the work of religious communities in education, health care and social services; for communication and transportation needs and for disaster and emergency relief when necessary. An appeal for financial support for the Propagation of The Faith is held annually.

Charitable Works Fund

Your donations support the work of charitable agencies and social services of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Broken Bay. The following are some of the key areas:


Centacare helps to care for some of the most vulnerable people in our local communities through intensive services for childred, adolescents and families.

Offering counseling and support to families in times of crises;Assisting children with disabilities or those who have been subject to abuse;Working with people who have barriers to employment because of disability or other problems.

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine

The CCD promotes the faith formation of young Catholics in Government Schools. The ministry of the CCD is to reach out to these children so that they have the opportunity to be taught about their Catholic faith. The recruitment and training of Special Religious Education teachers (catechists) is essential and expand this.

Special Schools

St. Lucy's, St. Edmund's and Ephpheta Centre.

The Diocese also supports:

Other agencies and services including the Marriage Tribunal, Liturgical Commission, Ecumenical Commission and Vocations.

CWF collections are taken up throughout the Diocese in each financial year. Each parish in the Diocese is required to meet a set target each year depending on its size and resources. Any shortfall from the CWF collections is required to be paid from the Parish funds.

Donations to the CWF are 100% tax deductible. It can be made any time through the Parish office, or at one of the three specific collections held during a year.

Project Compassion

Caritas Australia's annual appeal

Project Compassion began in 1966 and is now the largest humanitarian fundraising campaign in Australia.

The Commuity of North Harbour is an enthusiastic participant in Project Compassion each Lent. Our two Parish schools place an emphasis on Project Compassion.

Project Compassion begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday. As Project Compassion falls across the six weeks of Lent, we use materials aimed at broadening the way we view the world. Families and individual use Project Compassion boxes supplied by Caritas to facilitate their Lentern sacrificial contribution. Parishioners collect the empty Project Compassion boxes from the parish churches at the beginning of Lent and return them on Holy Thursday.

Holy Places