
The Eucharist is the nourishment of our lives so that we have the strength to live our calling

to follow Christ

The Eucharist is the source and summit of Catholic life.

In receiving this Sacrament the we are fully received into the Catholic Church.

The Eucharist is the sacrament which comes after Baptism and Confirmation and is the third and final Sacrament of initiation, the climax of the process of initiation into the People of God, the Church.

The word Eucharist has a Greek origin and has the meaning "to give thanks"

Our use of the word is derived from the description of the action of Jesus at the Last Supper who gave thanks to the Father before pronouncing over the break and wine the words, "this is my body .... this is my blood" and sharing them with his disciples. By his words "Do this in memory of me" he offered to the first disciples and to all who would come after them the gift of sharing continually in this new memorial and of belonging to a new covenant with God.



Over the next few weeks the parents and children of The Lakes Catholic Parish will be involved in many special events as the children prepare for an exciting spiritual event, a big deal, their First Holy Communion.

A reminder for parents who still have not booked their child/children in for their review or Mass time they will be attending, please do so using the TryBooking links below:

The Eucharist program over next few weeks is:


Note: We have a few families who still need to pay the Registration Fee. This can be done through The Lakes Catholic Parish website, under Make a Donation or Payment. In the payment area – Type in your child’s name and Eucharist 2019 fee

Please pray for these children and their families as they prepare to celebrate the Eucharist Sacrament.