
The sacraments are an ongoing conversion, a reconciliation with God and with each other.

There are Seven Sacraments broken into three groupings.

Group 1 - Sacraments of Initiation.
1.) Baptism  2.) Confirmation  3.) Eucharist

Group 2 - Sacraments of Healing.
4.) Penance   5.) Anointing of the Sick

Group 3 - Sacraments of Commitment.
6.) Marriage   7.) Ministry and Orders

Preparation for the Sacraments.

  • For Baptism preparation of Infants and Children we have the Baptism Program
  • For Adult preparation for the Sacraments we have the RCIA program.
  • For the preparation of children for the sacraments of Confirmation, Reconciliation and Eucharist (sacraments of initiation) we have the Sacramental Program.