
Confirmation empowers us to live by and to know the strength of

THE SPIRIT OF GOD within and opens us to know that

God is really ALIVE in us.

Confirmation as the second Sacrament of Initiation, is essentially related to both Baptism which precedes it and Eucharist which follows it. It is a continuation of a journey begun in Baptism which will find fulfilment in the Eucharist. Confirmation is the essential sacramental link between Baptism and Eucharist.

It is the Spirit which guides us in this journey of initiation, and at each of the three stages the Spirit is at work. However, traditionally, the sacrament of Confirmation has been associated in a special way with those things which we associate with the Spirit:

  • growth in the spiritual journey;
  • a deepening of involvement in the life of the Christian community;
  • and guidance and empowerment for the mission of the Church.

For this reason it is often called the Sacrament of the Spirit.

confirmationThe emphasis in the family-centred preparation for the sacrament is not so much on knowledge, though some knowledge is involved. It is rather on the experience of receiving the sacrament within the context of the family. This experience will be enhanced if parents and those assisting in the preparation model the gifts of the Holy Spirit to those who receive it.

The history of the celebration of Confirmation has been long and varied.

The Second Vatican Council led the Church to restore Confirmation to its traditional place as the second stage of Christian Initiation. Confirmation has always been linked to Baptism. Full membership of Christ and his Church is reached by both adult and child in sharing in the Eucharist.

The themes developed in the Confirmation Program are:

Children of Love...Children of Joy...Children of the Light...Children of the Spirit


confirmation-2The next Lakes Parish Sacramental Program will begin with celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation on weekend of 7/8 September 2019. To be eligible for enrolment in this sacrament, your child must be a baptised Catholic and minimum 7 years of age by 8 September 2019.

Input Session II - Sunday 11th August The Lakes Parish Hall 8.30am

Review Sunday 25th August The Lakes Parish Hall 8.30am or

Review Sunday 25th August St Rose School Hall 5.00pm

Celebration Sat/Sun 7 & 8 Sept St Rose/St Joseph All Masses

Any questions please contact: