Financial Reports


Biography of Lakes Parish Finance Committee members (as at July 2019)

Sean Burke

sean-burkeResponsibility on Committee: manages Parish share investment portfolio, working together with external financial advising firm (PSK)

Sean is a member of the St Rose community but occasionally visits St Joseph's on the Sundays when his morning alarm fails.

He is honored to be married to Christina, a senior teacher at Stella Maris College, and together they have three beautiful children Damon, Aiden and Hugh who attended St Rose between 2002 and 2014.

Prior to establishing his own media consultancy business in 2011, Sean was an executive director at British-based media company EMAP before serving as Operations Director at PBL Media in Sydney and across SE Asia from 2007. He is an honorary treasurer and auditor for several other community and political organisations in the area.


Martin O’Brien

martin-obrienResponsibility on Committee: looks after maintenance & WHS issues for church properties, working together with Deacon David McKenzie.

Martin has been a member of the Lakes Parish for 20 years.

He and his wife Robyn have three daughters and two sons, aged 16 to 24, each of whom went to School at St Rose then Stella Maris and St Augustine’s respectively.

Martin leads a busy family, work and social life and lives in Collaroy.


Graham Latta

graham-lattaResponsibility on Committee: Secretary, manages Parish accounts and reporting, working together with Parish bookkeeper (Therese Oakley)

TAFE Teacher, Bachelor of Business, Major in Computing and Management Information Systems, Certificate in Accounting, Certificate IV Training and Assessment (Teaching)

Member of the Lakes Parish since 1997. Married to wife Nina with 2 children Marlise (24) and Anneka (18). Both attended St. Rose and Stella Maris.



Marie Tierney

marie-tierneyResponsibility on Committee: looks after Parish owned rental properties and dealing with property agents (Novak Agencies)

Spent 2 years working in a real estate office in Dubbo, controlling the rental ledger and properties. Since 1997, Marie has owned and managed her own rental properties in Dubbo until she moved to Collaroy.

From 2006 until 2010 managed her stepmother’s Sydney based properties eventually handling the sale of her properties for her estate where Marie acted as her executive.



Martin Dando

martin-dandoPast parishioner with St. Ives Parish for more than 15 years. During time there was a member of the Finance committee for approximately 10 years and held office of Secretary. Also a Minister of the Eucharist and member of the Ku Ring Gai Catenian Association.

Moved to the northern beaches 4 years ago and became member of The Lakes Catholic Parish, where he completed Fr. James Mallon’s Divine Renovation program and completed the Alpha program. Retired from work now, but was a director/executive of a large global multi national for 23 years previously.



To view the most recent financial report please click here.