“More things are wrought by Prayer than this world dreams of”
The very famous words by Lord Alfred Tennyson
Time: Monday 7:30-8:30 pm
Place: St Joseph Catholic Church Lagoon Street Narrabeen
Prayers help provide comfort and bring us closer to the Holy Spirit
Prayers may help your sick friend or family member?
Today all lifestyles are busy, but we need to pause, and reflect on where we stand at any one time
Can you give just 1 hour a week to prayer for our friends and parishioners who may be going through a difficult time.
God works in many ways
You are invited to join the Lakes Parish Community Prayer Group to thank the Good Lord and pray for your intentions.
The Group meet each Monday Evening at St Joseph’s Church Narrabeen.
If you are unable to attend you are most welcome to place your intentions into the petition boxes located in the churches at Collaroy Plateau and Narrabeen.
These petitions remain confidential and are placed into the urn and burnt with the intentions of those present.
Everyone is most welcome
For More Information Please Contact:
Suzanne & Robert McLeod Ph: 9982 5101
Sue and John Willis Ph: 9913 8475 or Sheila Lennon