

When your loved one has died, it is important to know what you need to do next.

Your first step would be to make contact with a funeral company. Funerals are arranged at a time that is suitable to the family, the priest and the funeral company. The following funeral companies are familiar with and support our Churches, however any funeral company should be able to help you.

Peninsula Funerals - 9999 5211

Wilson Family Funerals - 9913 7131

Gregory & Carr Funerals - 9999 1522

Ann Wilson Funerals 99795978 or 9971 4224

Once a time for the funeral celebration has been set, it is important to meet with the priest to begin making arrangements for the funeral. An appointment with the priest can be made by contacting the parish secretary on 9157 0999 (ext 0). At this meeting, the priest will provide you with all the resources to assist with the preparation of the funeral liturgy.

We are here to help you make this time as easy as possible for you, and can even prepare and print the funeral service booklets for you at a minimum cost.

Our parish musicians are also available, if you choose. Joshua Willard can be contacted directly on 9157 0999 (ext 17) or by email .

Please don't hesitate to contact us on 9157 0999 (ext 0) or by emailing the Parish Secretary if you have any questions.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith have published a document with guidance about burying the deceased and conserving ashes in the case of cremation. This document can be downloaded below.

Guidance on Burials and Conserving Ashes (PDF 306.9KB)