Enrolments for the Sacrament of Confirmation 2025 will commence shortly for children in Year 3 or above who have been Baptised & not previously completed this Sacrament.
If you would like to register your interest in the program please email our Sacramental Coordinator with the following details, Sonia will be in touch in the coming weeks to discuss the program with you.
Email: Sonia Samartin, Sacramental Coordinator at
- Contact Name of Parent
- Contact Email of Parent
- Contact Number of Parent
- Child's Name
- Child's Age & current School Grade
- Suburb where you reside
The Sacrament of Confirmation confirms membership in the Christian community and seals Baptism with an anointing. Confirmation consists of a prayer to the Holy Spirit, the laying on of hands while the prayer is said and the anointing of the candidate with oil of Chrism.
The Church teaches that Confirmation confirms Baptism and is the second formal step in the process of becoming initiated into the Christian community. Confirmation is an invitation to each one of us to renew the Baptismal promises first made on our behalf by our parents and godparents when we were baptised. This process invites us into a deeper way of relating to God, to Jesus and to one another, and to becoming more actively involved in the life of the community through the on-going presence of the Holy Spirit.
Initiation into the Christian community means becoming a part of the life and work of the community: gathering to celebrate Eucharist, to listen to word of God, to pray together and to share in the care for the poor.
The story of Pentecost shows us how the disciples, gathered together in fear but also to support one another, came to an understanding that Jesus’ Spirit was with them and gave them the power and courage to go out and spread the good news about Jesus to the whole world.
The anointing of the candidate at Confirmation is a sign of confirming the gift of the Spirit, and calling the candidates to become involved in the life and mission of the community. The ceremony is presided over by the Most Reverend Bishop Anthony Randazzo, Bishop of Broken Bay Diocese.
CONFIRMATION/SAINT NAME - Your child will need to choose a Confirmation name which is a Saint's name. This name should be one of significance for them, one that they relate to easily. Confirmation confirms your child’s baptism, so they can be confirmed in their own, baptismal name (Christian name) if it is a Saint’s name. We encourage you to spend time researching the Saints with your child and helping them to make an informed decision.
SPONSOR - Your child will also need to choose a Confirmation sponsor. The role of the sponsor is to provide a good model of Christian living, helping the child to live a life of faith according to gospel values. The sponsor then, is someone who has a close relationship with the child and will most likely continue to have such a friendship with them as they continue to grow and learn. Children are encouraged to consider choosing one of their Baptismal Godparents. This links the initial Sacrament of Baptism with Confirmation, and re-affirms the role that Godparents accepted at Baptism. There are certain requirements for a person to be a sponsor. The sponsor must be a Baptised Catholic who has been Confirmed and received Eucharist; be a person who will be a good example to the child being confirmed; be at least 16 years of age; be practicing their faith and ideally, is available to attend the Confirmation ceremony. A parent cannot be sponsor for Confirmation.
Confirmation Program 2025
Dear Parents,
We are glad to inform you that the sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on
Saturday, 21 June 2025
Children in Year 3 and above are eligible to receive this sacrament if they have been baptised. We are not taking any bookings.
Requirements for receiving the Sacrament of First Reconciliation are attendance at:
• Parent information & commitment session (children do not need to attend)
• Four weekly preparation sessions
• Four weekly rituals (at weekend masses)
• Rehearsal
Dates for your diary
Sacred Heart Church, Mona Vale - Wednesday 30th April
Maria Regina Church, Avalon - Thursday 1st May
Monday 12 May and end Sunday 8 June
17/18 May & end 7/8 June
Tuesday 12 June - Sacred Heart Church
Thursday 17 June - Maria Regina Church
After attending a “Parent Information & Commitment” session, you will need to book a date for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation AND for ONE weekly preparation group (two separate bookings).
We need facilitators for the weekly preparation sessions. You can share this role with another parent. If you would like to be a group facilitator or would like to have more information about the role, please contact me as soon as possible on
Kind regards,
Sonia Samartin
Sacramental Coordinator
Jesus said: ‘The Holy Spirit will come and help you, because the Father will send the spirit to take my place. The Spirit will teach you everything and will remind you of what I said while I was with you.’ John 14:26
Some information has been taken from Horan, Kathy (2009) Confirmation, A practical workbook for parents and children and Horan, Kathy (2006) Becoming Catholic, a parent's guide to baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist & Reconciliation