Reconciliation - Penance

The Sacrament of Reconciliation (or Confession)

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is the experience of God's unconditional forgiveness. While we are called to be united with Jesus and with others as one people, we do fracture this unity through failure to love, or sin. God's love for us does not end when we fail, and by expressing sorrow and remorse for our sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we experience healing and forgiveness as our sins are absolved and we can start afresh.  

The penitent (person receiving Reconciliation) is required to come to the Sacrament with genuine contrition or true sorrow for their sins, that flows from love for God and others. We are also required to confess mortal, or grave, sins, to make up to those we have hurt, and repair the disorder of our sin through prayer and action. 

The priest, through his ordination, is given the authority to forgive and confer reconciliation. When we approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we can be confident that we are entering a safe space where what we confess is not shared, as the priest is required to hold the strictest code of confidentiality and never reveal what has been shared, under any circumstances. 

There are three rites of Reconciliation. The First Rite takes place between the individual and the priest. The Second Rite occurs when the community comes together to reflect on God's word, pray and sing together. During the common celebration, individuals approach the priest for reconciliation and absolution. The Second Rite is usually held during the seasons  The Third Rite takes place when the other two rites are not possible, and the priest gives a general absolution without the individual confessing their sins.  

In our parish, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is held at St Kieran's Church each Saturday from 5:00PM to 5:45PM. 

First Reconciliation for Children

In our parish, children usually make their First Reconciliation at age 9, after receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. They prepare for this through the Sacramental Program for Children.

To enrol your child for First Reconciliation please see the Children’s’ Sacramental Program page.