Congratulations! We are delighted that you are considering the Catholic Community of North Harbour for your wedding.
As Catholic weddings require couples to undertake a pre-marital preparation course, it is essential that you arrange a booking with our Parish Office at least six months in advance.
The Diocese of Broken Bay offers preparation programs for engaged couples. We recommend "Partners for Life" and "FOCCUS", both of which are run by CatholicCare Broken Bay.
Partners For Life is held over a Friday and Saturday and takes place within a relaxed group environment. It's a space for couples to strengthen their unique relationship, enrich their partnership, and gain useful knowledge and skills for the years to come.
FOCCUS is an individual program, and includes an in-depth, user friendly questionnaire and two sessions with a trained facilitator.
For bookings or enquiries for both programs, contact CatholicCare on 9488 2400. You can also visit the Diocesan page about preparing for marriage, and gain useful tips from the flyer below.