The Sacrament of First Holy Communion
The Sacrament of Holy Communion completes the Christian process of initiation.
When we celebrate this Sacrament, we remember what Jesus did for us during his life, and at his death and resurrection. The Sacrament particularly brings to mind the Last Supper, which was the final meal that Jesus shared with his disciples. During that meal, Jesus gave us the Eucharist to help us remember him in a special way. When we receive Communion, we believe that we receive the person of Jesus into our soul. We become one with him and one with each other - we become "the body of Christ".
The Sunday Eucharist (Mass) is the highest point of our worship as a parish community. The Eucharist is also celebrated every day from Monday to Friday, on Saturday mornings, and on special occasions.
Holy Communion is taken to the sick and housebound after each Sunday Mass by parishioners who are Extraordinary Ministers of Communion. Please contact us if you would like to join this important and rewarding ministry.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held on Friday mornings at St Kieran's after the 8:30AM Mass.
First Holy Communion – Children
As the Eucharist is the great sign of unity for our Catholic community, a person must be Catholic in order to receive. Catholic children usually receive their First Holy Communion after the age of 8, and after they have completed their Confirmation and Reconciliation.
First Holy Communion completes the person's journey into full communion (unity) with the Catholic Church, and is the summit of our faith.
Our Parish belongs to the Diocese of Broken Bay. In our Diocese, children usually receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Confirmation, Reconciliation and First Holy Communion) over the period of about a year, beginning in Year 2 and concluding in Year 3.
To enrol your child for First Holy Communion please see the Children’s’ Sacramental Program page.