
The Club was chartered in May 2004. Since then we have come a long way providing our members a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop and practice communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self confidence and personal growth.

Whether you are a professional, student, community member, parent, retiree, young or older male or female Toastmasters is the best way to break out of your comfort zone, gain confidence, develop self esteem, lose the fear of public speaking, be a better listener, be a better speaker, become an effective leader, help others to succeed, etc.

We at our club are proud of our achievements and the way we go about serving our members and in turn the community. In the past our members have been responsible in conducting speechcraft courses (crash course in public speaking) and currently conducting a youth leadership course (8 weeks crash course in public speaking, 13-17 years of age) at The Pittwater High School, Collaroy.

As a result of Toastmasters a large proportion of our members present and past are now contributing to various groups in the church namely Ministry of Communion, Ministers of the Word, Ministers of Hospitality, Ministers who serve at Mass, Singers to name a few.

If you want to contribute to the various ministries but feel that you want to get out of your comfort zone now is the time to join the St Kieran's Toastmasters Club.