The Fr Patrick Fahey Library
Our Parish Library was officially reopened on 15th September 2013 Sunday with a display of resources from both the main library and family library. It offers a selection of general interest books and magazines related to the faith and Catholic culture.
The parish Library was dedicated to Fr. Patrick Fahey, former Augustinian Provincial and long-time resident in the Manly Vale Priory. John Kiely, our librarian, is in the library every Monday morning from 10 to midday to assist visitors.
The Parish Children's Library

Formerly located in the entrance to St Kieran's Church has now been established in the foyer of the Parish Centre to provide more reqady access through the week. A variety of resources for children and parents are avilabale for loan and assistance is offered through the adjacent parish office. A selection of books for children are also available for loan in the foyer of St Cecilia's Church.
Click here to download the full list of resources available in the Parish Library (XLS 286KB).