
The sacrament of Reconciliation is a sacrament in which the priest, as the agent of God, forgives sins committed after Baptism, when the confessor is heartily sorry for them, sincerely confesses them, and is willing to make satisfaction for them.

By his death on the Cross, Jesus Christ redeemed man from sin and the consequences of his sin, especially from eternal death. So it is not surprising that on the very day he rose from the dead, Jesus instituted the sacrament by which men's sins could be forgiven.

The peace of mind and soul which this sacrament imparts to us is one for which there is no substitute. It is a peace that flows from a certainty, rather than from an unsure hope, that our sins have been forgiven and that we are right with God.

All Catholics are encouraged to frequently receive Reconciliation. Indeed, church law requires Catholics to receive the sacrament at least once a year between Ash Wednesday and Trinity Sunday.

Reconciliation opportunities in our Parish

The Sacrament is celebrated in two forms in our parish: 

The 1st Rite of the Sacrament, where a person goes individually to the priest in the Reconciliation Room located in the church is available weekly as follows:

Monday to Thursday: During Adoration times - a half hour before each Mass

Friday:   1st of the month

11.30am before 12.00noon Mass

                 All other Fridays

12.30pm - 1.00pm during Adoration

Saturday: 8.30am before 9.00am Mass.
Sunday: 7.00am, before the 7.30am Mass, and from 5.30pm before the 6.00pm Mass.

The 2nd Rite of the sacrament involves a communal preparation and a brief interaction with one of the several priests at the ceremony, as sins are confessed and absolved. This format is usually available once during Lent and once during Advent.

1st Reconciliation Sacramental Programme for Children

In our parish, children make their First Reconciliation after the sacrament of confirmation, usually in Year 4.

They are prepared using the Diocesan Sacramental Programme over a four week period, and it is generally held in the second term of the school year.

Bishop Randazzo made changes to the sacramental programs regarding the eligible age of candidates.

From 2021, the eligible ages of candidates for the sacramental programs will be:

Confirmation to children in Year 3. 

1st Reconciliation to children in Year 4.

1st Eucharist to children in Year 4.

Please feel free to call our Parish Office on 4325 1042 if you have any questions about 1st Reconciliation.  

 Click here to download the 1st Reconciliation and 1st Eucharist Enrolment App 2024 

Click here for some handy hints from on ways to help your child make his or her confession:

Catholic Mom: Click Here