Adult Faith Education
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
The RCIA is a rich process for those who are unbaptised, or for those baptised in another faith, who wish to join the join the Catholic Church. Please refer to the ‘Sacraments’ icon on the top menu bar to access the ‘Becoming Catholic’ info page.
Catholics Returning Home
For those who wish to return to the Catholic Church following a time of non-participation or doubt. This programme invites those people to rediscover their faith, resolve issues, and return to the community in a relaxed and confidential setting and is offered in February and August of each year.
Lenten Programmes
Groups meet in a facilitator’s home to study the readings of each week during Lent, and the related reflections via a designated programme.

After a weekend of formation in October 2016, groups of men now meet in the parish on the 1st Tuesday [proceeded by Mass at 7.00pm] of the month to explore and reaffirm their spirituality in the light of the readings for the upcoming Sunday's Mass. If you would like to know more please contact the Parish Office.
Bible Study Groups
St Patrick’s has a Morning Bible Study group which meets on Monday mornings in the Jordan Room at 9.30am.
Parish Retreats
Held annually during the second half of the year, with both morning and evening sessions of Mass, followed by a talk given by a guest speaker, and an opportunity for Adoration and Reconciliation between 2.30 and 3.30pm each day.
Invited Course Facilitators
A number of times each year St Patrick’s takes advantage of the possibility for adult faith education courses by inviting individuals (e.g. Andrew Wood - Director of the St John’s Centre for Biblical Studies) or groups (e.g. the Catholic Guy) to the parish to provide education opportunities for all who are interested.
We hope to keep you up to date on any of the above as they are being offered in the parish under the ‘Upcoming Events’ on our homepage, but don’t forget our Bulletin (News & Events) for comprehensive details.
Catechists are those who evangelise and carry the Word of God to Catholic children attending State Schools.
“…teaching the faith is something beautiful! It is perhaps the best legacy we can pass on: the faith! To educate in the faith, to make it grow. To help children, young people and adults to know and love the Lord more and more is one of the most exciting aspects of education. It builds up the Church!” - Pope Francis 27 September 2013
St Patrick’s has a number of Catechists, many of whom have been volunteering in this ministry for well over 20 years, reaching out to the children at nine primary schools weekly and the two high schools when possible.
Raelene O'Connor is the Parish CCD coordinator and may be contacted at the Parish Office each Wednesday from 9 am to 1 pm and Thursday from 9.30am to 1.30pm. Raelene's role is to both support those ‘workers in the field’ under his care and promote an interest in this ministry so that we may continue to provide catechesis to the children.
Catechists follow the curriculum developed and written by the CCD [Confraternity of Christian Doctrine] of the Diocese. The lessons are ‘user friendly’ so one doesn’t need previous teaching experience. If you can read a story and have a love of children and of your faith, then you can be a Catechist. Training is provided through the face-to-face accreditation course, or available online as well. All Catechists provide their ‘Working with Children Check’ clearance obtained freely and easily via the government’s ‘Working with Kids’ website and concluded at the RMS.
If you are interested in joining this ministry please contact the Parish Office during Office hours... Ph: 02 4325 1042.
Children's Liturgy
Held during the 9 am Mass each Sunday of the school term for children over 4 years of age (except when it is a Family Mass).
This group of volunteers greet the children at the foyer prior to the commencement of Mass. After receiving a blessing from Father, they take them to the Admin Centre for activities relating to the Gospel of the day, and reunite them with their parents prior to Communion.
If you would like to dedicate some time to this ministry and be placed on the roster, please contact Margaret Eadie on 4325 7817, or the Parish Office on 4325 1042.
In 2008, Bishop Michael Malone, then Catholic Bishop of Maitland-Newcastle, Bishop David Walker then Catholic Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay and Bishop Brian Farran of the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle publicly signed a Covenant pledging their Churches to pray, minister and worship together where possible.
That agreement has been renewed annually and the Covenant commits the three dioceses to many positive and beneficial opportunities and communications. The Diocese of Broken Bay provides an opportunity for all to attend the annual service by providing free bus travel to and from the event.
Many opportunities are offered for education about and interaction with other faiths via the Diocese of Broken Bay and provided in its Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations calendar available on the website.
If you have a specific interest in ecumenical matters and would like to become involved please contact the Parish Office.