Diocese of Broken Bay Safeguarding
To view the full and latest Safeguarding information for the Diocese of Broken Bay please click here.
On this website you can see all the latest relevant policies and procedure to follow. Including survey forms to complete if you wish to contribute.
Within the Parish
We at St Patrick's take very seriously our responsibility to safeguard the vulnerable, whether they be children under the Child Protection banner, or the elderly under the National Criminal Check system, ensuring no one is taken advantage of in the Catholic Church under our watch at a parish level.
In our parish, parents are encouraged to be involved directly or simply be present at anything to do with their children, whether it is to be present in the work sacristy when their altar serving child prepares for Mass, or after he or she has finished; at our Children's Liturgy sessions during the 9am Sunday Mass; or to simply drop into any event or programme we have running, for example, Pint Sized Paddies our youth group for children in Year 5 & over which operates twice a month on a Friday evening. Anyone working with the children in these ministries undergoes the appropriate security checks, and the appropriate protection forms are issued should there be an outing or event outside the norm.
We encourage anyone to come forward with a concern, if not to the Parish Priest or parish office, please contact Jodie Crisafulli, Director, Safeguarding Office: Ph 02 8379 1647 Email jodie.crisafulli@bbcatholic.org.au
If you have a concern about historical abuse of a person, please contact Jodie Crisafulli, Director, Safeguarding Office: Ph 02 8379 1647 Email jodie.crisafulli@bbcatholic.org.au.
See the Diocese Safeguarding Website for details.
We are committed to The National Safeguarding Standards. 
Child Protection

If you have a concern about a child or young person within a school, please contact Tamara Hughes, Child Protection Team Leader, Catholic Schools Office Broken Bay
Ph 02 9847 0610 Email tamara.hughes@bbcatholic.org.au
Domestic Violence

Elder Abuse

If you have a concern about a child or young person within a CatholicCare agency, please contact the Coordinator, Investigation & Training
Ph 02 9481 2600
The Diocese ensures that it complies with all its reporting requirements, including reporting to Police, the Ombudsman, the Office of the Children's Guardian and Community Services.
To access the Diocese of Broken Bay' Child Protection Policy please click here
Child Protection Policy (PDF 85.4KB)