Your child's Baptism will be a unique event, worthy of being celebrated with great happiness and joy. It will also be a happy experience for the parish community to welcome the new Christian into the parish family and invite and urge you, the parents, to be active members of the faith community of Wyong Catholic Parish.
In asking to have your child baptised, you are accepting the responsibility of raising your child in the practice of the faith. It will be your duty to bring them up to keep God’s commandments as Christ taught us by loving God and our neighbour. As parents you are the first teachers of your children. Parish activities support the faith development of your family.
Baptisms are held on the second Sunday and last Sunday of the month at St Cecilia's Church @ 10.45am.
General information
A Baptism preparation/information session is held on the 1st Saturday of the month at 10.00am in the parish meeting room. Enrolments & your donation envelope will be collected at this session. To attend, please book through the Parish Office 02 4352 1011.
You are also requested to attend a ‘Presentation Mass’ on the Sunday morning of your child’s baptism, this would be the 9.30am mass at St Cecilia’s. Your baptism will follow at 10.45am. Your child will be welcomed at this Mass and introduced to the rest of our Parish Community.
About Godparents
The role of Godparents is to present the child for baptism. Through the love of God and Christian example they are to support the parents in their responsibility of training the child in the practice of faith
One Godparent, male or female is all that is required in Church Law, but parents may wish to have more than one person take on this role. Normally you would have two godparents, one of either sex.
At least one of the Godparents must be a catholic over the age of sixteen, have been confirmed and received Holy Communion and live a life of faith.
What to provide (for your family preparation)
A candle: you will need to provide a candle as it is part of the symbolism at Baptism reminding us in part of the guidance of Christ in our life. You may wish to decorate a candle (with your child’s name, date etc.) or purchase a candle of your choice.
White Garment: “You have become a creation and clothed yourself in Christ. See in this white garment the outward sign of your Christian dignity”. A white garment, or a child dressed in white becomes a symbol of purity and innocence on a journey of faith. Older children may be dressed according to their age and/or fashion. You are also required to bring a white piece of cloth which will be used during baptism.
Donation: A recommended donation of $50 - $60 can be made to SOLT Australia Incorporated. Please bring this along with you to your baptism preparation class.
Please contact the parish office on 4352 1011 or wyongparish@bbcatholic.org.au should you wish to register your child or find out more information.