Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council’s role is to assist the Parish Priest in the administration of the Parish. The Council members share in the responsibility for the ongoing life and development of our parish community.
Our Pastoral Council seeks, amongst other things, to:
Kerry Bugden, PPC Secretary
Ph: 02 4388 2938
Parish Finance Committee
This is a Committee convened by the Parish Priest to provide advice on Parish Financial matters. The objective of the committee is to develop current and future financial plans to meet the growth and needs of the spiritual and material requirements of the parish community. The committee is also conscious of the need to protect and maintain existing assets. To achieve this goal the committee relies on the continued generosity of parishioners to contribute to the second collection and planned giving envelopes.
Joe Cesca
Ph:02 4352 1011
Fund-raising Committee
This is a new Team under the Parish Finance Committee that we are trying to organise. The Team will plan and oversee different fund-raising campaigns for the parish, example raffle draws & Parish Fete in the future.
Jo Helm
Ph:02 4352 1011
Wardens & Collectors
The wardens open the Church, provide assistance at Masses and also take up the collections on weekends.
Tony Fish
Ph:02 4352 2193
Piety Stall
The Piety stall is operated after the Saturday 5pm Mass and Sunday 9.30am Mass at Wyong. It sells a range of religious and spiritual items.
Mary Kerry
Ph: 0439 402 046
This group attends the ecumenical meetings at all levels and serve as a liaison between the parish and other churches.
Parish Office
Ph:02 4352 1011
Court House Helpers
A group of parishioners who on a roster basis provide morning tea in our local court. New members are always welcome.
Kay Muir
Ph:0419 021 214
This ministry has yet to be formed.
Parish Office
Ph:02 4352 1011
Social Justice
Kerry Bugden
Ph:02 4388 2938