Safeguarding in our Parish means....
We the people of Wyong Catholic Parish are committed to fostering a community of safety and care for all people, especially for children and others in the community who are vulnerable. Our commitment is underscored by our faith in Jesus Christ.

If you have a concern for the safety and wellbeing of a child or young person or vulnerable adult, tell someone who can help.
These people in our Parish can help:
Name:Fr Raul Balute
Number:0450 115 099
Name:Fr Alex Barnedo
Number:0432 947 245
Name:Joanne Helm
Number:0424 763 734
Name: Parish Office
Number: (02) 4352 1011
Or contact the Office for Safeguarding (Chancery) on 8379 1605 or email safeguarding@bbcatholic.org.au